Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fourth Droplet: TRASH

So today, October 29th is a special day. Not only because it's the first day it snows in Pennsylvania (this new year), but because I have a message to give to whatever teen or young adult that decides to come to the Youth Service at my church today.

A few days ago I was told about the service by my pastor. And by the time my pastor and I exchanged texts, I went to the computer and words, videos and verses made their way to a Powerpoint Presentation. God is good.

I practiced the message a couple of times in front of my mirror and I was satisfied. I thought, "Yeah, this could touch some folks."

The subject is TRASH.

I plan to begin speaking on how we often go to church or any spiritual gathering and we don't understand anything and end up leaving exactly the same way we came in. Sure, I'll blame some speakers who seem to think everyone understands preacher jargon, lets be honeset sometimes speakers don't think about the background knowledge of every one else.

However, I will continue by stating that many times it is our OWN fault that we don't understand or pay attention. Why? Well, its simply because of all the TRASH we're carrying. It's because the things that we prioritize in our lives are so LOUD and DISTRACTING that there is NO way we can hear God in his attempts of reaching us. We're blocked by so many things, whether material things or acceptance or our image or whatever. These things don't allow us to focus for half hour to hear what God has to say.

I'll continue with what kinds of things are the ones that block us from seeing God's plan for us, then will go on about the things God has to offer and how he will help us let go of our TRASH.

So, this morning I'm in my room taking some time to worship God and to get lost in prayer. And this rush comes over me and my voice cracks and I start to shout my prayers along with a river of tears. I shouted to the Lord that he would help ME let go of all my trash and concerns that have nothing to do with HIM. And I prayed fervently for my family and friends who I knew lacked a whole-hearted relationship with HIM. But I was so moved by the Spirit that I realized, before I speak about this I need to ask Jesus to help ME let go of my trash.

How can you ask people to let go of something that you're still holding on to?

God has a way of speaking. I was currently blocking what God was telling me by being worried about delivering a good speech. Yet, the whole time God was showing me that in order to lead people to HIM, I need to be led by HIM.

Praise the Father for his works, let us let go of whatever is blocking us from receiving his word and blessings.

1 comment:

  1. Youth suspended because of snow... was the message for me all along?
